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How to uninstall jv16 PowerTools and then install a newer version without losing backups
1. Go to the directory where you installed jv16 PowerTools. By default it's "C:\Program Files\jv16 PowerTools".
2. Rename the directory called "Backups" to "OldBackups".
3. Uninstall jv16 PowerTools.
4. Install a new version of jv16 PowerTools.
5. Go to "OldBackups" directory. There should be many sub-directories with odd names, copy all of them (press CTRL+A and then CTRL+C), go to where you now installed jv16 PowerTools and from there a directory called "Backups". Now paste all the data to here (press CTRL+V)

How to password protect jv16 PowerTools
1. Go to Access Control
2. Double click the user "$Default".
3. Type the password to the Password box and to the box below it and click OK. And the next time someone tries to run jv16 PowerTools he or she is asked to enter the password.

How to create custom keyboard shortcuts
1. Go to Preferences > Shortcuts
2. Click button "Add".
3. Now press the keyboard buttons you want to assign. For example Ctrl + K. If you use many keyboard buttons be sure to press them down at the same time.
4. Now write the command or commands to the box. You can find the list of available commands from here.
5. Click OK.

.:: Copyright 2001-2003 Jouni Vuorio